Who doesn't love delicious food cooking on the grill...
Now, that's what I'm talking about!!
Anyone who is serious about BBQing demonstrates an unbelievable passion and expertise.
They are a breed of dedicated people that simply enjoy it for the love and pride of a perfect barbecue.
Just like those in the paper crafting world, some BBQer's dedicate their whole lives to the mastery of their craft.
Which brings me to share this birthday card I created for my brother.
He is always ready to grill something fabulous for his lucky visitors.
Glenn might not be a master BBQer, but he can create some pretty awesome meals on the grill!
All the patterned paper and cut out is from DCWV The Guy Stack.
Burlap fringe is Canvas Corp Brands . The self adhesive Chocolate Delight Pearls are from Queen & Co. |
x's & o's
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